Picture of Vishnu Smiling with palm on her cheek

About me

Full Stack developer

Picture of Vishnu smiling

I'm pursuing a bachelor's degree in computer science and engineering from Ramgarh Engineering College.
I am a Full Stack developer who is currently exploring and developing Full Stack applications using React, TypeScript JavaScript, Spring Boot, Hibernate, MySQl, Express, Node.js and MongoDB.

I also enjoy problem-solving and have invested quite some time to strengthen my ability in the domain.I've explored techniques to choose the best possible data structures and apply algorithms for solving problems on coding platforms such as GeeksforGeeks and LeetCode. I enjoy web designing and would love to learn and gain experience in Back-End Development and UI/UX designing too.

Apart from tech, you will see me reading books, listening to music or drinking coffee and tea!


  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Redux
  • Java
  • GitHub
  • Git

A few other notable technologies.I have worked with are: C, C++, Java, Python. My work with these technologies have been limited, and I am still a beginner. But I look forward to work in length with them in the future.


I love to build and develop challenging, new applications. The best means to become better at programming is by developing applications that translate theory into something live and working. In addition, this practice also adds to confidence, enhances code quality, and encourages documenting your journey.

I'm currently improving my HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, Spring Boot, Spring Framework, MySQl and MongoDB skills by developing Full Stack applications.